Take a look at the numbers

The PFA has established wholly owned subsidiaries in the telecommunications, tourism and hotel sectors. This page list those subsidiaries and provides you the ability to visit each of their sites.

The West Indian Company Limited
Located on the island of St. Thomas, WICO is a port facility with a cruise ship pier, shopping mall and commercial rental complex. WICO is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the PFA, established as a public corporation rather than as a private corporation. WICO has its own Boards of Directors and Chief Executive Officer positions which carry fiduciary responsibility.
The Virgin Islands Next Generation Network (viNGN)
To effectively coordinate and oversee public funds sourced from various Federal government grantors under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 (the Recovery Act) also referred to as the Stimulus Program, the PFA created the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) as an office/business unit within the PFA. viNGN is also a wholly-owned subsidiary of the PFA, and a with its own Boards of Directors and Chief Executive Officer positions which carry fiduciary responsibility.

Located on the island of St. Thomas, WICO is a port facility with a cruise ship pier, shopping mall and commercial rental complex. WICO is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the PFA, established as a public corporation rather than as a private corporation. WICO has its own Boards of Directors and Chief Executive Officer positions which carry fiduciary responsibility.